Launched in May 2014, and named after the founding director’s beloved horse, Diamond, Aztec Diamond Equestrian has grown hugely in the past few years; constantly expanding onwards and upwards. The founding director, Jordan McCabe was born in 1995 in the North East of England, UK and started the company when she was just 19 years old. Her passion for riding and fashion sprung from a very young age; at the age of 8, Jordan was a keen show jumper but also knew that a huge part of her childhood was designing and creating. She has since combined her two passions in life to create Aztec Diamond Equestrian. The brand has come far from her sketches of pink sparkly breeches at the age of 10, and have now evolved into the brand you see today.
All of our products are designed and developed in the Aztec Diamond Equestrian head office, which is based in the North East of England. Each product is carefully planned, designed and developed from scratch working with an array of incredible, ethical, eco friendly manufacturers who specialize in sporting apparel and new innovative technologies across Europe and Asia.
We hope you will be just as passionate and love the brand as much as we do.
- Team AD x