So here we are, we’ve made it - our second anniversary arrived on the 2nd of May this year! Two years since we launched Aztec Diamond, I’m feeling completely over whelmed and am unconditionally grateful for the success I’ve been granted so far. What an incredible journey the last two years have been. I was told the first two years would be the hardest and don't get me wrong the 7 day weeks and the 12 hour days have been far from easy sometimes but I honestly don’t feel like I’ve worked a day in my life as I have loved every minute. I am still as passionate and as excited as ever, we have just come into our fourth season and the feeling of seeing the fruition of my designs from paper to real garments hasn't become any less exciting. The journey I go through with every product is extremely satisfying, from the initial design creation sat in my office to seeing how amazing they look in the photo shoots, but nothing compares to receiving testimonials of my customers wearing the products saying how much they love them - it always feels so good! I feel like two years is a huge milestone, I was also told that after two years you would really know if your business had taken off or was ever going to, and Aztec diamond certainly has.
October last year the company took a huge leap - almost unexplained. Sales tripled and we completely sold out of pretty much everything we had under a size 10 for the whole 6 months season in just over 6 weeks! Since then it has been absolutely crazy and even after the madness of Christmas the sales didn't slow down, every product order we have received this year has pretty much sold out within weeks. Our largest problem is keeping up with customer demand to always have stock available and not sold out - which is a problem I'm not particularly complaining about! I would much rather have empty shelves than full shelves - which we definitely don’t have at the moment, so we must be doing something right!!
Both myself and the company have come a long long way in two years, I am a complete workaholic and couldn't see my life any other way, I love what I do and the more success I create the more hungry I am, I have such a positive outlook on life and have never been as happy, which I think is all down to Aztec Diamond. I have completely matured as both a person and a business woman, I always love the shock on people's faces when they ask my age! Feeling quite proud that I have managed to achieve my longest dream and succeed at it, and I'm not even 21 yet! As for the business we can't believe how large our customer base is already! We ship all over the world every day to a huge variety of countries and our social media pages have over 90,000 followers in total with a huge 70,000 of them on Instagram! I am so thankful I have managed to build such a established brand in such a short amount of time, it’s really coming together now and I feel we have completely found and defined our look and place in the market place!
2016 so far has been a bit of a waiting game for us as we have been waiting for our summer range of breeches to be delivered after selling out before Christmas last year. Although we have launched other products this year, including our double sell out Technical Stretch Leggings, and adds ons like leisure wear, we are just astonished that we are still doing so well without the breeches as they have always been our main seller! As frustrating as the delay on the breeches has been I can not wait to have them back in stock!! Its been a long few months of apologising to all you customers haha! Never the less the waiting is FINALLY over and out new range of breeches is due to dock in the UK tomorrow!! I am so excited to begin the countdown and get them back online to see how much we really have grown (behind doors) the last six months!
I am SO excited for the rest of this year and the future, we have so many plans under wraps that I can’t wait to release. Big changes are coming. I hope you all love our new range of breeches coming this week and I would just like to thank all of our customers for all the support I’ve had over the last few years, looking forward to many more!
Love Jordan McCabe x
Aztec Diamond Equestrian